About the Instructor

Andrew Hallinan

NRA Certified Instructor, Owner of Florida Gun Supply

Hey there! I’m Andy. I’m a high-school dropout turned gun shop owner. I never set out to start a gun shop. It sort of just… happened.

I grew up in Massachusetts - one of the states that hates firearms the most. Growing up, I was never allowed to own even a squirt gun, a BB gun, go hunting, or be around anyone with guns. (That’s alright, both my parents ended up getting their carry permits!)

I moved from Massachusetts to Florida when I was 18 years old and was introduced to the freedom America has to offer.

Fast forward to 2012: the shooting at the Colorado movie theater shooting. I was so upset by this shooting that I had to get involved. I took my NRA Instructor license test two weeks later and passed with flying colors.

Now, 5 years later, I’ve personally trained over 15,000 students.

That’s 10% of the population of Citrus County.

I’ll retire when I hit 100% of the county!

Other websites owned by TEOTWAWKI Investments, LLC:

SurvivalBlog.org - a Survivalist Blog Dedicated to Free Giveaways, Information, and Preparing for TEOTWAWKI

FloridaGunSupply.com - an online gun store

CitrusCountyShootingRange.com - the only shooting range in Citrus County


  1. Interested in getting my concealed weapons permit to be protected if needed
    Plus Im trying to go to school for corrections officer sometime in 2013 so I also thought it would be good to get this before I go to school.

  2. Hi, I already have my permit. Thinking of gifting it to my son, daughter and son-in-law as a christmas gift. Do you have any discounts for signing up 3 people. Thank you and this is a great thing!

  3. Took your class on April 11th 2013 and enjoyed it very much..Andrew is a great instructor and makes the class very enjoyable and informative..I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn how to handle a gun properly..Can’t thank you enough for your time and sharing your experience with me…Thanks Again Dan Scammell

  4. Took this class yesterday. Walked in expecting a room filled with a clique of gun nuts. I was pleasantly surprised to be one of two men among a group of eight or ten women all of whom signed up to get the required training rather than to demonstrate their gun handling prowess.Good instruction. Good coarse. Good people.

  5. My wife and I took this class last week and it was great! This is one of those classes that time flies and you wish the class was longer cause your learning so much and having fun doing it.
    Andy definitely has a gift and a love for teaching and baking cookies. Lol
    the teaching was very well done and comfortable. My wife and I are still talking about things we learned in class and how we want to go back for other classes offered.

  6. Andy Hallinan: sending my admiration and support from East Tennessee.
    Thank you for your stance against the scourge of Islam within USA borders. Don’t be intimidated by the liberal buffoons, stand your ground. God Bless you Andy!

  7. Thank you for being an American Patriot and showing the rest of America what a American is and that our rights matter to, We need more people to stand up for America and our values that we have had for 239 years so far, as a Texan we to love this country and our way of life, We need to put GOD and the Pledge of Allegiance, and discipline back in our schools for our children sake and to be proud Americans, it took GOD,GUNS and GUTS to make America and its going to take it again to get her back to OUR way of life, My God, ! My Country, My rights, My life! I am A Proud American! I fought for my flag and country in foreign lands to protect my home and family, but I am betrayed/sold out, by my own government in my own back yard, is a slap in the face to me and mine! we need to fight for our America! thank you for being you Mr. Hallinan a honest American doing your part for this country we love. My oath to defend my country from all enemy’s foreign and domestic, did not come with an expiration date! thank you, Rory Campos hooah aircav

  8. I also want to thank Andy as well for being an American Patriot! Most everywhere you turn these days, a great many young people have no clue about our heritage or what a Patriot means, nor do thy have any moral compass. When I first heard about his free offer I wanted to write it off as his way of promoting his business and personal gain. I spoke to a few people who also felt the same and l was warned to stay away. I have a concealed fire arms license but let it expire and had to retake the class. I have been really concerned about the direction the country is headed. I felt an urgency To renew. I decided to take the class. I expected to find hidden charges and that I would wish I would have just taken a class in Ocala where I live. The first time I took this class, we met the instructor at a restaurant and he spent about a hour giving us a quick explanation of the rules, than went to his car and showed us some guns and sent us on our way. I quickly realized how wrong I and everyone i spoke to was. This class was excellent!!! Andy and his team made it fun but so very educational. They were very organized, thorough and most of all, extremely safety conscious!!! I walked away feeling so impressed that I signed my wife up and can’t wait to go back for advanced classes. He is my definition of a true Patriot and one I am proud to know. His passion is to reignite the patriot in all of us. Thanks for that ANDY!!

  9. I’ve been around firearms my whole life, carrying CCW for almost 20 years. I went for the simulator training with a group, thinking it would do little more than a video game. But I came away having learned more and better for it.

    These interactive targets are different from paper or steel. The natural instinct is to pause… keep the weapon trained on the assailant, but tips like how to best hold the weapon after you fired, and how best to check for an additional bad guy really meant a lot for me.

    While it lacked the recoil and the smell of powder, this is a tremendous opportunity to practice quick target acquisition from a realistic/holstered position…. safely!

    Watching a person (even a cg one) collapse after firing in self defense brings home the fatal reality of deadly force. Ryan (or was it Brian?) was courteous, professional and took his job as serious as I would hope anyone else would.

    Thank you Andy and everyone at FGS

  10. I really like being part of this movement, to arm and train as many like minded American Patriots as it takes to make our communities a better safer place to live

  11. Took the class here May 24th. Bryan was a great instructor, and the time passed quickly. I appreciate how he handled our group, which was a mixed palette of everything from college students to the elderly, and all experience levels (one older couple didn’t own a gun), but some key points of safety were driven home by repetition. I was encouraged by Bryan to consider the need for further training. As I was practicing today on my property, I found the safety steps ringing through my head while I dealt with a jammed feed (appears to be a problem just with one particular brand of ammo), and I kept hearing “ keep it pointed in a safe direction, finger off the trigger…”. I hope to go back to take my wife for the class, and shop the store. I really liked being able to sign up for a night class during the week, and to be able to sign up the night before online.

  12. My husband and I took the Conceal Carry class yesterday. Our instructor, Bryan, was very knowledgeable, polite and genuinely interested in making sure the entire class was engaged and included. We are new residents to FL and both 55 +. I can definitely recommend and will encourage others that this is a class well worth your time at any age! Thanks Florida Gun Supply and Bryan!

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  1. Gun Range Makes A HUGE Announcement That’s Sure To Outrage Muslims - Jews Can Shoot

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